Cannot find the station using the FlexTally utility application

Connect using DHCP to complete setup.

* When a Fixed IP connection is required, follow the same steps below to connect to the station initially. After that, change settings to use a fixed IP.

1.  Set the station to DHCP

Initialize the station (Initialization instructions)

2.Set PC to DHCP

a: In Windows 10: Go to “Start Menu” > “Settings” > “Network & Internet” > “Ethernet” > “Network and Sharing Center” > “Change adapter settings”.

b: Select the currently being used Ethernet adapter, right click and select “Properties”.

c: Double click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

d: Select “Obtain an IP address automatically” and click OK.

*When a fixed IP address is required, after setup is complete, return to this point and change to “Use the following IP address”, then enter as required.

3. Connect directly with a LAN cable.

a: After the station and PC are set to DHCP, connect them directly using a LAN cable. (Turn off Wi-Fi if necessary)

b: Unplug the AC adapter to reboot the station.

c: Start the application and search for the station (the station will appear with an IP address starting 169.254.x.x).