FlexTally Utility (Windows application)
*Please refer here for how to update.
- ver 2.0.0 (2023/5/31)
- Improved connection stability during wireless connection
- Partial UI change
- ver 1.2.1 (2022/2/1)
- Fixed minor bugs
- ver 1.2.0 (2022/1/24)
- Supported Wirecast
- Supports preview lamp lighting ON / OFF selection
- ver 1.1.0 (2019.07.23)
- Supported vMix
- Added function to update Station firmware and Lamp firmware.
- Fixed minor bugs
FlexTally Utility MacOS application
*Please refer here for how to update.
- ver 2.0.0 (2023/5/31)
- MacOS version release
Station firmware
* Please refer here for how to update.
- Rev. 0031 (2023/5/31)
- Improved connection stability during wireless connection
- Supported FlexTally Utility MacOS version
- Rev. 0030 (2022/2/1)
- Fixed minor bugs
- Rev. 0029 (2022/1/24)
- Supported Wirecast
- Supports preview lamp lighting ON / OFF selection
- Rev.0025 (2019.07.23)
- Supported vMix
Lamp firmware
As of May 2023, there is no updates on FlexTally Lamp Unit firmware.